Client: Fish & Wildlife of Florida

Project: Manatee Rescue Unit Wrap

Location: Tampa, Florida


Challenge: The challenge at hand was to generate awareness and support for the manatee rescue research initiative.

Solution: Our team devised a strategic solution by designing and installing a full wrap on the Manatee Rescue Vehicles. The wrap was carefully crafted to visually communicate the importance of manatee rescue and research, capturing the attention of onlookers and sparking curiosity.

The result: The results surpassed expectations as the client expressed their satisfaction with the outcome. The fully wrapped Manatee Rescue Vehicles became a headline story on a local news channel, amplifying the awareness and support for the manatee rescue research. The eye-catching design of the vehicle wrap effectively communicated the mission and importance of the initiative, drawing public attention and generating valuable publicity. By becoming a focal point of media coverage, the wrapped vehicles played a pivotal role in raising awareness within the local community and beyond. The success of this project demonstrated our team's ability to create visually impactful solutions that captivate audiences and drive attention towards important causes.

Channel 10 News : FWC rolls out new manatee rescue transport


VF -Majestic - Banners


Kelby Media - TV Studio Graphics